Jul 20, 2010


I've been feeling terribly ill today. And it's 12am and I'm still struggling to feel alright. So here are some photos I've taken off my phone. I usually photograph the sunset whenever possible because I love sending the photos to my boyfriend in case he's had a bad/stressful day, as the sky here is always so soothing. I also spend a lot of time on trains...


Erimentha said...

oh how i love your photography.

that is so cute that you send pics to your boyfriend :) <3


///// said...

I also think it's cute how you send picture to your boyfriend :)

I hope you are feeling better today?

Your phone pics are really quite fascinating. This will sound stalkerish, but I love seeing pictures of peoples' lives. It's like you only need to stop for a moment to see something beautiful in something that seems so mundane.

:) :)

Jade said...

you always make perth look like such a beautiful city. after being away from it so long, i've realised it's hidden beauty that i never really appreciated before i left. as much as i always bitch about perth, i will always love it!